zauberin des mondes (sorceress of the moon)

I was commissioned by the amazing Lille based projection mapping artists collective Les Rencontres Audiovisuelles, to make a soundtrack for their Leeds Light Night piece in 2022.

After receiving the story from the artists in France and discussing themes and styles, I recorded some short melodies on the guitar then developed this with a mixture of analogue and digital instruments into longer pieces; a series of live takes and jams, whilst watching sections of the rough animation storyboard.

I then edited these down and pieced together the soundtrack, tightly choreographed to each animated section.

Instruments and objects used included a Mellotron emulator (Arturia), layered string samples, and a large metal water bottle.

The final piece was shown on the old Lifting Tower in Leeds which sits surrounded by modern office buildings and created an intimate space there, inviting repeat viewings and a respite from the more frantic city centre activity.